Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013 - Our House

Doha - Qatar - January 21, 2013

First of all I thank Lord GOD for all the blessing and guide to me and to my family.

You are always helping us to become stronger and steady our family. So all of this is for your glory and love.

As they say "You have to be hard working and perseverance to achieve the success you want". So we just continue to do the right thing for your family.

Thank you to my company TOP Printers and country Qatar. Well this day we finally finish our second floor of our house. My family are very happy because in just three years working we finished our home and they can relax sleeping inside their rooms..

I salute all the people behind this success without all of you i cannot do my dreams.

Thank you again guys and you know who are you.
